"Hanshin Newspaper" was launched on April 19, 1973, succeeding the student research paper "Koinonia" for the succession and creation of Hanshin culture.
Hanshin Newspaper Information
Hanshin Newspaper is convinced that creative and critical dialogue through academic research is a foundation of college culture. Hanshin Newspaper promotes the development of the university by raising the quality of missions with the value of freedom, truth, and justice, and sharing activities and updates news on and off the campus to build Hanshin traditions to further advance the growth of Hanshinians. In addition, Hanshin Newspaper also serves as an organic mediator between national churches of the Korean Christian Presbyteries to which Hanshin University belongs, overseas alumni, and national universities and important institutions so as to be a great strength in publicizing the school. Hanshin Newspaper meets with readers in a more sincere and serious attitude striving to the creative succession and growth of "Hanshinians".