Major of Digital Cultural ContentsCollege of Humanities
- Tel : 82-031-379-0450
- Room : 3321
Major of Digital Cultural Contents aims to cultivate cultural contents specialists with solid humanistic perspective and skilled digital·video technology. The cultural contents industry, which emerged as a leader in the digital era, has been getting an attention as a core power generation industry in the 21st century. Accordingly, the Major of Digital Cultural Contents fosters understanding various cultural contents fields such as movies, animation, games, characters, theme parks, comics, electronic publishing, festivals, events, exhibitions·conventions and performing arts, and practical ability.
The Major of Digital Cultural Contents has the following specialization programs to cultivate cultural contents specialists with solid humanistic perspective and skilled digital·video technology.
- Convergence education covering arts·design, digital·video technology, cultural planning, marketing, and industrial policy, focusing on humanities.
- Cultivating practical skills through industry-university cooperation and on-the-job training.
- Cultivating global intellectuals in the field of cultural contents through international education and local hands on learning.
Academic Goals
The Major of Digital Cultural Contents has set up the following specific academic goals in order to cultivate cultural contents specialists who have a strong humanistic perspective and skilled digital・visual technology.
- Conduct convergence education centering on humanities, including cultural resources and cultural heritage, arts and design, digital and visual technology, marketing, and industrial policy.
- Cultivate practical skills through industry-academia cooperation and field learning.
- Enhance global culture understanding and communication ability through internationalization education and local experience.
Concept of Talent
The Major of Digital Cultural Contents has set up a concept of talent as cultural contents creators who will demonstrate the practical ability to lead the digital era based on knowledge of humanities and creative imagination. The Major of Digital Cultural Contents subdivided core competencies as follows for theory and practical competency.
- Competency as specialists for cultural contents planning and development (cultural contents planner, producer, developer, etc.)
- Competency as cultural contents industry policy specialists (public officials in charge of cultural industry in central and local government, researchers in institute in cultural arts・ culture industry, etc.)
- Competency as cultural content theory and education specialists (university professors, instructors in cultural contents educational institutions, etc.)
- Competency as cultural content trend specialists (trendwatcher, theme tour conductor, cultural critic, etc.)
Various areas including digital technology, visual contents, arts education, museums and exhibition
Career Opportunities
Cultural contents planning and development specialists (cultural contents planners, producers and developers, etc.), cultural contents industry policy specialists (public officials in charge of cultural industry in central and local government, researchers in institute in cultural arts・ culture industry, etc.) cultural content theory and education specialists (university professors, instructors in cultural contents educational institutions, etc.) cultural content trend specialists (trendwatcher, theme tour conductor, cultural critic, etc.)