Graduate School of Theology
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Present the vision of the times with theological depth and spiritual leadership.
The Graduate School of Theology was established with the purpose of contributing to the Korean Church, the country, and human society by raising professional pastors in the spirit of Christianity with the entire curriculum currently taking place in the Seoul Suyu-dong Campus. The Graduate School of Theology offers the degree course of Master of Divinity (M. Div.).
The Master of Divinity course teaches a traditional curriculum of educating aspiring pastors in order to raise pastors for the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea based on the spirit of Presbyterianism and Hanshin University, which has led the trend in the world of theology and contributed to the reform of the Korean society as well as the progress of the church. This course aims to raise professional pastors with theological refinement and pastoral leadership, who have achieved the balance between scholarliness and piety through the qualitative enhancement of the former and the spiritual deepening of the latter. Students who have completed the undergraduate course in basic theology undergo two years of the master’s course, whereas those who completed a different degree go through three years of the same course. The academic research takes place in three main areas of biblical theology, theoretical theology, and practical theology, and centered around the inherent connections and balance between the seven subdivided fields of the Old Testament, the New Testament, systematic theology, history of the church, Christian ethics, theology in practice and Christian education, and pursues the inherent development of holistic theological research and piety in preparation for a creative ministry, both in the present and the future.
First, training aspiring pastors to firmly establish the identity of the church based on the Bible and the traditions of the Reformed Church.
Second, training aspiring pastors to be able to clearly express their understanding of the truth and to contemplate and propose the possibility of certain actions based on Christian beliefs in today’s world.
Third, training aspiring pastors to clearly recognize spiritual, cultural, material, and political problems facing the church in reality and to responsibly seek solutions to the problems.
Fourth, contributing to the development of each aspiring pastor’s personal, spiritual and specialist abilities, in order to allow them to achieve their mission of promoting the realization of the church in today’s world.