Level 1
- Students learn to read and write Hangul.
- Students learn the basic pronunciation system to pronounce the initial, medial, and the ending consonant accurately.
- Students learn basic vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures.
- Students learn basic conversation skills for communication in everyday lives such as greetings, introducing each other, ordering food, shopping, finding directions, using public transportation, making a phone call, etc.).
Level 2
- Students learn to pronounce individual pronunciation and phonetic rules and pronounce it correctly in sentences.
- Students learn connection statements, embedded statements, etc. based on short sentences.
- Students learn polite and casual language and indirect speech according to the discourse.
- Students learn to communicate in everyday life based on what they have learned and solve some of the problems they encounter in your life.
- Students understand simple culture in daly life.
- Students learn the language skills needed for food, post office, transportation, telephone, travel, housework, etc.
Level 3
- Students learn communication skills in daily life in Korea.
- Students practice to express their thoughts correctly by freely expressing their opinion through 3-minute story, role playing, etc.
- Students listen to and understand multi paragraph stories, conversations with relatively complex contexts, and read articles that will help them understand Korean society and Korean thinking and understand and broaden vocabulary.
- Students learn to express their thoughts using prose and improve the accuracy of grammar and vocabulary usage through writing exercises.
Level 4
- Based on the basic grammar learned from level 1 to 3, students can use various expressions.
- Students learn to understand the Korean way of thinking and culture by broadening vocabulary such as Chinese character vocabulary, as well as daily vocabulary.
- Students develop their ability to speak long paragraphs as well as conversations in everyday life, so they can express their opinions clearly and write about general subjects.
- Students learn to read and understand conversations and texts in relatively long paragraphs of various content, and read and understand texts to gain knowledge of Korean society and culture.
Level 5
- Students develop the ability to understand discourses in the academic field, such as humanistic, social, scientific, and artistic areas and professional fields to express their opinions logically.
- Students learn to understand and comment on current events such as news and newspaper articles in real life.
- Students learn to use the vocabulary and expressions that express the emotions of the speaker as they convey information.
- Students learn to understand Korean values about language and education, occupation and leisure, science and technology, economics, popular culture, tradition, nature and environment, family and society.
Level 6
- Students learn to use Korean grammar freely to conduct complex and professional activities.
- Students expand the vocabulary and learn the Korean way of thinking through professional materials containing Korean society and culture
- Students eventually have the language skills necessary to participate in college-level activities.
- Students develop the language skills needed to understand the Korean way of thinking and culture, talk about everyday topics, discuss social issues, and understand Korean history.