Strengthen student-centered education
Strengthening student learning capabilities
- Strengthen talent development and basic learning ability based on learning competency
- Strengthening the learning capacity support system
- Establishment of system to manage warning students and dropouts
Career and psychological counseling
- Psychology/career counseling support
- Expand student counseling programs and participation
- Strengthening linkage with in-house psychology analysis graduate school
Strengthening support for employment· business startup
- Strengthening employment support system
- Strengthening business startup support system
Strengthening customer service
- Improve support for minority students
- Educational consumer satisfaction management
- Improvement of welfare and convenience facilities
Strengthening education specialization
- Strengthening the support system for liberal education
- Activation of convergence and complex curriculum
- Activation of the extracurricular curriculum
Establishment of educational management system
- Expansion of full-time teachers and operation of teachers
- Teaching method development
- Establishment of rational evaluation system
University management innovation
Stabilization of financial structure
- Diversification of financial structure
Advancement of administrative system
- Administrative reorganization and active operations
- Improve the faculty evaluation system
Advancement of campus infrastructure
- Establishment of smart campus environment
- Improve IT infrastructure
Enhancing the university brand
- Strengthening university PR strategy
- Strengthening online PR activities
Spread community-based open community culture
Participate in solving community problems
- Strengthening local networks
- Expansion of local lifelong learning education
- Improving local community support and cooperation
Strengthening industry-university cooperation capacity
- Strengthening capacity of industry-university cooperation
- Establishment of industry-university cooperation organization and strengthening industry-university cooperation system